“Mother Knows Best” book hits local Best Sellers list

My first book, “Mother Knows Best – Wit and Wisdom from Idaho Moms,” went on sale on May 3, and by May 6 it was on the Best Seller shelf in Boise’s most popular local bookstore. The book features more than 100 pages of “momisms,” those crazy, odd, silly and sometimes motivational sayings that mothers tell their kids.

“You’re running away? Let me help you pack.”

“Your cat went a nice family with a farm.”

“Wear clean underwear in case you get in an accident.”

“Just because grandma farts at the table doesn’t mean you can too.”

Our marketing plan was to launch the book right before Mother’s Day, and donate some of the proceeds to the Women’s and Children’s Alliance, a Boise-based agency that provides support and shelter to women and kids who are victims of abuse and sexual violence.

The plan worked.

At the launch party, we sold 100 books in an hour and a half. Prior to that, we pre-sold close to another 100 books through Rediscovered Books in downtown Boise.

Media coverage for the book was phenomenal. I was invited to do several radio and TV interviews, and was featured in a nearly full page story in the Life section of the Idaho Statesman, our state’s largest daily newspaper.

Publishing a book has been a professional goal for me for years, and it was very gratifying and exciting. The best part? To see and hear folks looking through the book and chuckling and saying to themselves, “My mom used to say that to me!”  Plus, we get to donate some money to a very worthwhile cause.

Currently, I am working on a NATIONAL momisms book – working title: “Mother Knows Best – Sense and Nonsense from American Moms.”

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2 Responses

  1. December 5, 2011

    […] – My friend and publisher Elaine Ambrose who believed in me enough to publish my first book Mother Knows Best – Wit And Wisdom From Idaho Moms. […]

  2. December 21, 2011

    […] probably been the most difficult, bittersweet year I can recall. It was a year in which I excitedly published my first book, and then lost my dad a few months later. That sort of year, if you know what I […]

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