Tagged: Living as a Writer


Patience, grasshopper…*

I used to work with a woman who’s favorite saying was,“Never pray for patience because you’re just asking to be tested.” The older I got, the more I understood what she meant, which was, the...


Finding your own voice

(Martha Graham)  “There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression...


25 things writers should stop doing

Today as I was jotting down thoughts for a New Year’s blog about some of the things we writers (me especially!) need to stop doing this year, and other things we might start trying...


Today’s favorite quote on writing…

Jamie Ford, the bestselling author of Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, when asked “What holds back most beginning writers and what they should do to make it better?” “Two things. One:...


Following the Yellow Brick Road into 2011

“The road to success is always under construction.” ~ Lily Tomlin I’ve always felt there is a “path” that I am destined to follow in my life and if I just found that path...


25 quotes to inspire the writer in you

Writing can be difficult business. It is usually a solitary endeavor that requires us to pull our creative energy from our own mind, heart and spirit. There have been times when I have sat...


Letting dialogue tell a story

Recently I’ve written some historical pieces for magazines. For these articles, I spent uncountable hours conducting in-depth interviews with people who were involved in the story or who could provide me with background, a...